Here is a list of possible things that I should/could this weekend -
- Get the oil changed - the tires also need to be rotated, I'm about 1k miles over the time that I should have gotten it changed and it might be good because it's getting chilly in SoCal.
- PTQ it - there is a PTQ Geneva this weekend in LA at Coasta Mesa. A buddy of mine is planning on going and I was thinking about hitting it up. I dig me a limited PTQ event, especially since I'm aspiring to be a better Magic player.
- Level Geewon - He is my Tauren Druid on Anvilmar. I have a buddy who plays there (different buddy) and with the sort of dis-assembling of BlakOgre Clan, I kinda have some free time in WoW.
- Clean mah room - it is in bad need of a good cleaning. It doesn't stink or anything, but there are like 27490948 Propel bottles strewn about the place.
- Do nothing - yep, as usual, do absolutely nothing, just watch the netflix that came (a hot husband/wife spy comedy, a boat capsizing, a story about how there is a map on the back of the declaration of independence). So exiciting.
All of them have their negatives as well (bored waiting for car to get done, having connection issues still with WoW, kind of a long drive to Coasta Mesa, cleaning requires effort, etc).
I think the front runner is going to the PTQ. We'll see...