Saturday, December 02, 2006

PTQ it is...

So I decided to PTQ it up, for those of you that might not know what that is, here's a little break down.

PTQ stands for Pro Tour Qualifer. It is a qualifying event for an upcoming Magic:theGathering Pro Tour event. The qualifier today was for Pro Tour Geneva happening some time next year. If a person wins, they get a paid plane ticket there and an invite.

The event today is being held at the Coasta Mesa Women's Club where most of LA's PTQs have been held since...well, forever. There were 108 players, I finished 5-2 and that was good enough for 11th place.

I was handed a Foil Jaya, Plague Sliver, Treskavus, double Grapeshot, double Rift Bolt and some dudes. I made the mistake of running 6 blue cards instead of just the Ephramon and the Kracken. I think the Ancestral was calling to me and I wasn't disciplined enough to say no. I boarded into 4 more solid r/b dudes during games 2 and 3. I made a play error that cost me the match in my first lost and just got run over for my second match.

I got 9 packs for being "first runner up billy prize" and the Jaya can probably net me around 20 beans on teh ebay.

Not too bad, I've learned from the mistakes I made.

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