Monday, September 24, 2007

F Football, I'm watching NBC


I had my reservations about this show, but I think it delivered. It has a couple B list actors and I don't know how long they can pull of the charade, but it had plenty of good one liners and he sold me on being a nerd. Obviously his ring tong was awesome!


Jeez, this show just keeps delivering. Did you see Nathan bump into Ando? Marnie did, even before I pointed it out to her. I love this show. Who is Nathan, is it Sylar? Was Peter meant to be found by the irish guys? Is poor Hiro gonna be locked in feudal Japan all season? I hope not. This show continues to be an A in my book.

oh...and I really really wanna buy a Nissan Rogue. No idea why, but I feel compelled to go out and buy one.

1 comment:

Mkae said...

That's interesting. I hadn't considered that Nathan could really be Sylar. And what was up with the burnt face in the mirror bit. I agree, this has been a great season so far.