Monday, March 06, 2006

The Campaign is Over...

...or is it?

We finished our latest installment of the DnD campaign (link is to the right). It turns out the bad guy we were hunting down wasn't the one we thought it was, it was a totally different guy.

The campaign was really fun and exciting. Even with my broken sword I wasn't able to keep up with the damage. DnD is a great excuse to get together with your friends and have fun. I look forward to the next installment (whether it be a continuation of this campaign or the start of a new one).


Stephanie said...

DnD nerds FTW

It was a lot of fun. I'm going to miss it, but hoefully Clark will start up again in a few months.

Btw- do you like you're new gift?

TheGirard said...

indeed. the helm kicks ass