Tuesday, July 04, 2006

I Looked Up In The Sky

and I went to see Superman Returns. I have to admit I'm a little rusty when it comes to all the little things that I should be noticing (I should have went and seen it with Tuttle). I thought it was a pretty good superhero movie. It was freaking long...like...really freaking long.

I think Kevin Spacey did a good job. I was kinda "ehh" on Kate Bosworth. And of course every...single...freaking time I see Brandon Routh all I see is Hayden. I don't know if that is creepy or not, I'm leading towards creepy.

I think it's better than average, but it falls way short of my top 100. I enjoyed it, I think I would have enjoyed it more if it was about 30 minutes shorter.


Hayden said...

Many of my friends have said Routh reminded them of me. Just goes to prove that the nickname isn't for show. :)

TheGirard said...

Woot...i'm not creepy!!!!

Mkae said...

But did Spacey remind you of me?

And yes, it was long. I guess I do like the fact that they took Superman somewhere he has NEVER been. (No spoilers.) Still, wait for the sequel, as I'm sure they'll ramp up the action a bit.