Monday, April 14, 2008

Walk of Fame

Without using the internet, who is the only person to have 5 stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame (one for each industry he/she has been a part of)?


TMac said...

I'd guess Fred Astaire or Frank Sinatra. Maybe even Gene Kelly or Gene Autry. Although Clint Eastwood is probably pretty close, I don't know if he's got the stage stuff.

BubbaJoe said...

I like Sinatra. Others that I might guess are Carol Burnett and people that have been in bands (where they might have two stars in music). I think that there are a few of them that have multiple musical stars.

I also like Bing Crosby, but I don't know if he has the Stage... I know he was well known for music, directing, acting, and radio...

What about James Earl Jones? I know he has two nailed (acting and radio)...

Anyway, I cheated and looked, and know that all my answers are wrong... =(