Friday, September 23, 2005

from Girard's Desk

Originally uploaded by TheGirard.
So I'm packing for the trip to Arizona and I'm cleaning out one of the boxes that I took home and I came across these three little trinkets that were on my desk. Each has a story associated with it that have great memories for me.

Robin - This is a Robin Heroclix figure. I don't know which one it is, but that doesn't matter. I certain designer loves Batman and had many Batman heroclix on his desk. The more I worked with him and the more I learned from him, I started to think of myself as the Robin to his Batman, especially in my early trek design.

Army Man - This guy always showed up when you least expected it. I would be leaning back in my chair, thinking about game mechanics and different gaming theory and I would notice something on the shelf of my desk that wasn't quite right. It was this guy!!! He was spying on me. Well, I relocated him to one of my fellow colleagues' desks. And the circle continued...

Sprinkes - This is an interesting one, first some background. On the third floor of Decipher, in the same area as the main conference room and the designers desks, there was a projector room. We would go in there, plug a laptop into it and stare at files upon files of cards. We would formulate theories and hypothesis, game design and game theory. Many of the sessions were very long, especially due to the amount of knowledge and experience in the room. The more people, the longer it would take. So, back to the sprinkles. During one of the many design meetings, me, Hollywood and Rkik were in the "tank". It was a long night and it might have been during one of the flyin playtests. We were getting weary and someone called someone else Jimmy Sprinkles. I believe it was a discussion of whether removal of an opponent's unit during a battle before destiny was drawn was either a tier 8 or tier 10 ability. This was based on limited repeatability so it would have to be 150% of the normal value assigned.

Yea...sometimes it was like that. Those were good memories.


Brad said...

I was looking for stray army men today at the office.

BubbaJoe said...

Mmmmmm! Sprinkles!

Unknown said...

Wow...tier 8, tier 10, ability values...I think it'd be great to sit in on a planning session some time. I don't care what others say, Wars was a great game. Good times...

Dak-Ind said...

i have two sons. i seem to find stray army men in the dark, with my bare feet!