Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Things in Motion

Originally uploaded by TheGirard.
I have some good news. I'm relocating back to the cradle of civilization, that's right, Marnie and I are going back to AZ.

Wait, before you start panicing, I'm still going to be working for the Company. I have worked out a deal where I can work remotely. None of my job responsibilities change, and no this isn't a sure sign of the downfall. Stop with the doom and gloom.

Anyway, we are set to go back sometime between the 15th and Oct 1st and we couldn't be more excited. She gets to see her family again on a regular basis, I get to see all my friends again, and we GTFO of the eastern time zone.

In other news, my work phone finally got turned on. The stupid old phone company had issues about us moving to cell phones (because they aren't the ones providing them) so they wouldn't communicate with Verizon properly and get our old numbers switched over (this was a big part of actually switching). So it's done, my work phone is up and running. If you know what the number is and want to give me a call, feel free.


Hayden said...

Congrats man. Triple G and I will have to come visit sometime.

BubbaJoe said...

Can't wait to have you back in the desert! =)

Unknown said...

Glad to have you back here man! Do you know where in the valley you're relocating to?

TheGirard said...

Chandler. Around Pecos and Alma Skool.

GiromiDe said...

I'm sure there's nothing like designing the next Leeta card in your underwear.

Dave(id) said...

Good for you Mike, I'm sure you and the lady we're anxious to get back. Even better you're able to keep working. Good luck and keep the blog going!

thisismarcus said...

Hope the big move goes smoothly!