Saturday, November 12, 2005

The Gall of Some People

So it's been about a month before my last hypochondriac breakdown. I believe the last one was that I had bronchitis because of the smokyness of the places that I was frequenting.

This time I have a pain in my right side, down where my Mac tire is. Right now it's an uncomfortable dull pain. It's only sharp when I cough, laugh or stretch out. I've had it for about a week now. First I thought it was just a pulled muscle, no big deal. I'm a fat guy, maybe I strained reaching for the soup on the top shelf. A couple buddies of mine are concerned and they thought that it might be a hernia. I think to myself "it's not a tumor" in my best Ahnold voice.

Fast forward to today, Marnie calls up the nurses line to figure out where we can go with the new insurance and all. The nurse on the line was like "uhh..emergency room would be good." I don't believe her, so we head to the nearest urgent care. I see a nice nurse and she tells me, nah, it's not a hernia or a pulled muscle or anything like that. Most likely it's ...




I have an ultrasound on Monday/Tuesday to figure out if it's that, but she thinks it is because of my symptoms. Greeeaaaatttt. I'm on Dicyclomine and Vicodin until then. I'm calling in sick Monday/Tuesday.


Mike said...

Calling in sick? You work from home, man! "No, boss, not feeling too well. I'll be out on the back porch. I'd sit at the PC thirteen feet away and work, but I'm sick."

hehe okay in all seriousness, gallstones suck like you wouldn't believe, I know a guy that had 'em. So good luck with that. Hopefully it won't be a serious case.

Stoovie said...

Dude, if they are gall-stones... some say it's like men giving birth, but twice as painful.

Now how exactly they came up with that statistic I don't know, and how that's meant to give you encouragement is even more of a mystery, but just hang in there dude. It'll "pass" before you know it...

...what, too early for the jokes? :)

T-Pup said...

Girard you suck. You're back and havent got at me. Hit me up you loser. , at least link me,

Get at me via email, so I can give you my number dammit.

webba said...

Pup you suck... at least that's what my mom says.

T-Pup said...

i may suck webba, but dont leave me w/out a way to get hold of you, dont forget you'r still my bitch

webba said...

You have my # still, no?

T-Pup said...

no - i sure dont - hit me on aim , tpupaz, yahoo tpagliocco, or just freaking email it to me lol

Stephanie said...

I'm sorry you're broken. I'm broken too, but not with Gallstones. I hope everything works out and you get fixed.