Saturday, November 26, 2005

too many choices

In a conversation recently I had with a coworker, we were discussing why we use discard a card and draw a card instead of draw a card and discard a card as a mechanic. The subject of "too many choices" came up. I told him to show me a card that has too many choices.



Hayden said...

That's not too many choices. Sheesh.

TheGirard said...

not too many choices???

you have to figure out how much mana you have vs. how many creatures are in your graveyard. Then you have to choose if you want to remove that amount of creatures. If not, you have to choose which ones you want to remove. Then you have to choose which sort of permanent bonus you are giving the monster.


Mike said...

Not to mention the different counters on it. That card is a Frankenstein in execution as well as in flavor. It's a textbook example of what players turn in when they are asked to design cards. They want their one card to do everything. Simple elegance is so much better for the game.