Saturday, February 04, 2006

So my friend got Twiddled...

Remember the friend I was telling you about that got the blue mana symbol on his arm as a tattoo? Yea well, he was in the hospital today. He has an issue with a medical condition where he may pass out (only it's not really passing out),regardless, he's been ok for awhile now but had an episode today at home. His roomates called the ambulance and he ended up in the emergency room. He's ok now and should be home in an hour or so.

Needless to say, someone spent that 1 blue and he got tapped out.


Mike said...

Oh man, he has no idea how much shit I'm gonna give him about this next time I see him hehe :)

Stephanie said...

"Needless to say, someone spent that 1 blue and he got tapped out."

Wow .. nice one there. It's kinda funny cause we knew he was okay when he started telling bad jokes again.

Mike said...

...about the joke, that is, not about his condition. Actually it's a pretty good joke considering.

TheGirard said...

I made sure he wasn't going to die before I started cracking jokes.