Sunday, February 05, 2006

the Threes

Stolen from Mother Lischke (no..not Tom's mom) who stole it from Eve:

3 JOBS I'VE HELD: Equipment Operator, Senior Game Designer, Burger Flipper

3 MOVIES I COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER: Fifth Element, Rounders, Transformers:the Movie (cause you got the've got the power!!!!!!111)

3 PLACES I'VE LIVED: Rhaunen Deutschland, Great Falls Montana, Chandler Arizona

3 FAVORITE TV SHOWS: Survivor, SportsCenter, Family guy

3 VACATIONS I'VE TAKEN: Vermont (with dad), to the Tulip Festival in der Nederlands (with sister and grandmother), and Disneyland (with Marnie)

3 WEBSITES I VISIT DAILY: Penny Arcade, Running on Empty, and vSocial

3 FAVORITE FOODS: Mac&Cheese, Queso, Pizza

3 PLACES YOU'D RATHER BE: Azeroth, 2 doors down from 253 Granby street (about a year ago, with a CapeCod in hand), and Financially Stable

1 comment:

Brad said...

"2 doors down from 253 Granby street (about a year ago, with a CapeCod in hand)"

*sniff sniff*

Me too.