Tuesday, February 28, 2006

So...I found the other guy

I was chatting it up a co-worker of mine and he is hip to the top 100 movie list. At first he was like "100 movies, I can't even think of 100 movies" and now he's at like 205. However, the point of this post was that he, like I, has Hudson Hawk in the top 100....so there!!!

And I lent him my TMNT and TMNT II, and he lent me the Special Edition 2-disk DVD set of Big Trouble in Little China.

He's probably going to have a fair number of anime movies on his list.

1 comment:

Jono said...

I like Hudson Hawk too... it's sooo bad, it's good! The singing & dancing, the secret Vatican society, the bad blue-screen effects when they're in the air... oh so good!