Saturday, December 29, 2007

2007 Girard Year in Review

Well, it's at the end of 2007 and these are my collected thoughts on my experiences in the past year.


Back when I got my first job, working at Wendy's back in Great Falls, Mt, I made myself a promise. I promised myself that I would make a certain amount of money at a job by the time I reached 30 years of age. I have reached that mark and there are no signs that I have leveled off. I was given my first lead. Magtheridon's Lair is set to release in a week. It is difficult to measure success in this industry. If your product sells out, it could mean it was popular. It could also mean that the print run was small or that there was an additional bonus included in the product and that's why it sold, not based on gameplay? Is the product considered a success at that point? I would think so. I am lucky to have my designs published, there are many designer who aren't as lucky.

I am also Lead Designing my first full set for the World of Warcraft TCG. It will be Set 8 (not yet named). It will be out Spring of 09. I promise that it will chocked full of goodness. No spoilers yet.

I am on a very good R/D team. I get along with everyone on the team and I think they are all excellent at what they do. I hope our product continues to flourish.


Marnie and I are enjoying California. We are moving away from our crappy apartment complex at the end of January. We are moving into a house that was made into a duplex. We will be sharing a kitchen with the other tenants. They are dog lovers so we think it's going to be amazing living there. We are paying the exact same in rent, going down a bathroom and a bedroom, but we are gaining a front yard. We can let the dogs out without having to leash them. We haven't been to Disneyland yet, which I know is a shame. We have been to the beach several times though. Both Melli and Grizzli are doing great and are healthy.


I had a brief stint in a behavioral health facility back in November. This was part of the reason why I haven't been updating my blog regularly. I had some mental issues that I needed taking care of. It has been a long and painful process but I am back on the right road. Getting in to see a shrink has been a pain in my ass. I am on some medication now to help with some old problems and some new ones. Things are going better. As for the weight thing, my new medication is supposed to give me more energy as well as help me to keep focused. I plan on re-embarking on this venture.


Earnheart has been moved to Icecrown and is helping Dungeon Crawl progress. I changed his name because the joke wasn't as funny as it used to be and this mofo is clearly a force to be reckoned with. I also have Kaniya, who used to be Callyleia, and is now going to be a pvp player. Marnie got her paladin, Addisyn, up to 70 and she went from 800 to over 1200 healing a couple of nights ago in Kara. We still have multiple 70s on the Alliance side of Icecrown as well. WoW is still fun and we haven't grown tired of it yet.

Not much else went on in 2007. Another year gone. None of my sports teams did particularly well. I don't think there was anything really defining about the year that would make it stand out from any other year.

Goals for 2008

Continue to grow as a Game Designer and be more confident in my ability to design. Not have a nervous breakdown when I turn 30 years old. Marnie and I are looking forward to celebrating our 12th wedding anniversary (we are talking about renewing our vows). Lose a ton of weight and meet my goal. Just basically keep on, keeping on.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm happy to say I didn't have a breakdown when I turned 30 this year. :)