Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I want to play a game

First off, I want to thank Evan and Kyle. They "Clockwork Orange"d me into watching scary movies. I also want to thank my sister Heather, for giving me someone to talk to about these types of movies. I enjoy our conversations. However, the biggest thanks goes to Marnie. She has had issues in the past with scary movies (she couldn't watch the LOTR movies because of the Uruks/Orcs). She sat down and watched all three of these movies with me. She had a couple nightmares, but I am very proud of her for making it through all three of them.
- This was a good intro into the brand. I had a couple issues with the bouncing back and forth, but the puzzle was awesome. I have also become a huge fan of gore porn. Started with Texas Chainsaw Massacre, moved to Cabin Fever (i think that's the name of it), and then it was on to Hostel. I thought that Hostel was both gore porn and a bit of comedy, especially the second one.
Saw II
- Here is my thoughts about Saw II - Alien:Aliens::Saw:SawII. I think that both of the first movies might have been a little slow, but the sequals were just non-stop action and the plot felt forced. I loved the twist at the end of this one a lot. When the safe cracked...jeez, I certainly did no see that coming. Nor the big reveal.
- SPOILERS, if you haven't seen it, don't read - I didn't care as much for this one. I thought that it was very conceited. The cinematography was very very dark, even more so than the previous ones. I didn't care for the infinite shadows and sometimes black screens. I think it worked in the first one with the room/lights, I think that it didn't in this one. I thought that everything non-jigsaw was haphazard and the interaction with the secondary protaganist was forced...a lot. We were supposed to care, but then we weren't, but then we were. I was confused. I think that I would have been absolutely, 100% disappointed with this movie if it wasn't for the last three minutes. I think those 3 minutes saved the movie and I had a sense of fulfillment from them. I hope that Saw IV ties up some loose ends (other than the cliffhanger, which I have grown to enjoy from this brand). I don't know who the blond is in his visions. What would have happened if the test was passed?

1 comment:

Brad said...

Your use of the term "They "Clockwork Orange"d me" is classic!