Saturday, July 09, 2005

Der Fantastish Vier

Tristan is gonna kill me for messing up that title.

Just got back from seeing the show. Coming from a guy who has never read one of the comic books and the only exposure that I've had to the story is through the Vs. card game, I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. I had a good time. I didn't care that some of the story "wasn't quite there" or how Mr. Grimm got over the love of his life real quick like. Anyway, I thought it was a fun movie. Marnie didn't complain about it too much so that means that she had a decent time.

I still hate going to see a movie on the opening weekend, especially with all the dumb asses who feel the need to have commentary. Marnie had a great comment to the idiot two seats away, "Why don't you save the commentary for the special edition DVD." It shut him up.

I was also lucky enough to see Mr. Statham in the sequel to the original Transporter. The King Kong preview was also pretty freaking entertaining. I can't see how Jack Black fits into it all. I mean they could have gotten anyone to play that roll, but why Jack Black? That's just weird.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like Jack Black, he's a really funny guy. I think that's going to be a big problem in what, I assume, is supposed to be a serious movie. It's going to be hard to think of his songs while he's on screen :)

Transporter 2 looks sweet.
