Friday, August 26, 2005

Happiness Is...

Originally uploaded by TheGirard.
Happiness is sitting down to design a specific top down card...

then inspiration strikes and the gametext matches the persona of the card

then you find an image that matches the point in time that you are trying to capture

and you get the piece of lore that goes ties everything together

Finally, you have a card that both fans and players will look at and go, "wow, I get what that card is all about, I remember that point in the movie and this just fits it all around."

It's moments like this that keep me in this industry and that keep me sane.


ErikYaple said...

That is heaven - could not agree more.

When everything comes together I do not even care if the card is useful or not - well I do... but I am usually so thrilled that it does not matter as much

CaptMDKirk said...

Looking forward to seeing Project G in the future... in the meantime, check out my blog.

Mkae said...

Can't wait to see the card Mike. Bill M. and I had a discussion long ago about the impending inclusion of TOS characters and Kirk was the big one. Will this one have the "Youngest Starfleet Captain" subtitle?

GiromiDe said...

I... hope... it... isn'tverybroken.
