Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Moving On

*This may come off as pompous, and I'm not sorry about that*

I'll be glad when people actually move on. I mean people say they have moved on, but really they haven't. They continue to poke and prod about some of the experiences they had and just how bad it was to work for a certain company. Now that they are no longer employed there, they still feel it necessary to poke and jab at those that still do work there. Perhaps because "we aren't as smart as they are" or "don't understand that it's just a sinking ship."

So I'll be glad when those people actually move on, becasue you know what, they haven't.

As for the company, I am still enjoying what I do for a living. Am I looking for other opportunities, probably not as often as I was about 2-3 months ago. *I* feel things are about to level up and start working their way back up again. There are a few possibilities that have arisen lately (and no, you may think you know about what I'm talking about, but you don't) that seem promising.

Bitter about the Bitter people


Jono said...

Why be bitter against the people who were forced to leave because of something that wasn't of their doing?

If the management of a company (whether it's Decipher, Enron, Adelphia or Wal-Mart) makes bad decisions that force them to re-structure... it's usually not the management that feels it the worse - it the employees. Sure, managment may get restructured but usually they have

That leaves the employees of a company who through no fault of their own are out of a job. They have a right to feel bitter, betrayed and mad.

Will these feelings go away? Probably not... oh, they may lessen with time - but years from now they'll still feel wronged by the people at the top of a place they enjoyed working at. A part of them will never be able to move on - it's human nature.

So don't be bitter against them... if you're upset at how they continue to poke and jab at you and others that are still there, the best thing to do is to confront them... tell them why you are upset and tell them that you would prefer not to be drawn into the war of words they have been conducting. If they don't stop dragging you in, simple, just end any relationship you have with them via e-mail, blogging, whatsoever... because it will be better for your own state of ming that you do that.

TheGirard said...

Like I said, I'm not sorry about what I said. And in a way, I am confronting those people.

I do feel bad about what happened to them, but if they say they are going to move on, then by all means, move the hell on.

or, I could go with the age old...

My rules

thisismarcus said...

I hear what you're saying, but others have had a very different experience from you. If they give you a hard time directly, or affect the fortune of the company (and thusly your own job security) thru what they say, then by all means call them out.

I am bored of The Company dominating conversation so much. Nothing wrong with keeping up with the times and a friend or two still work there so I care. But there is more to life.

I'm not bitter. I'd like to think that would be the case even if they weren't still helping me because I've had nothing but opportunity thru my association with them. But I also understand that my experience is somewhat unique and don't expect others to feel the same way.

My blog, my rules? Different experiences, different feelings.

erika said...

perhaps you should choose not to read the blogs of/talk to those you feel should "move on."

or you could just continue to be so understanding. wow.

Anonymous said...

It is hard to accept the opinion of someone who displays neither the compassion nor understanding to let people whose lives were whacked with a big stupid stick by stupid people be bitter about it.

Maybe Mike didn't mean to hit everyone who got fired and still happens to be a little pissed about it, but then he should have confronted the people he was pissed at directly instead of hiding behind a blanket shot at everyone, most of whom are completely entitled to their bitterness, for a duration of however fucking long they want.

TheGirard said...

c'mon..who doesn't leave their name...I mean really?

Shocho said...

You were the first person I heard say that he didn't think the company would be around at Gen Con. Good luck with that. They moved me on, and I'll continue to move. See ya.

Shocho said...

Guess blogs are good for knowing who your real friends are?

Truer words were never spoken.

Anonymous said...

San Dimas High School Football Rules!

Anonymous said...

What the hell?

Decipher is run by knuckleheads, plain and simple. No matter how much better things will seem in the near term, the management will find some way to f**k everything again. Because they can't afford to print sufficient long-term quantities of product, their two remaining games will become more elitist than they already are. For every drooling acolyte who buys cases of product, the game will lost a couple of casual players and maybe twenty potential players.

I'll be shocked if Decipher is solvent this time next year.

Anonymous said...

It sucks when you work somewhere and people that have been let go dis on it. Cause no matter how you feel about where you work, for some reason you still want to stick up for it.

Having been on both sides of that fense, I can also say that griping is part of the seperation process and those people that do that are doing that cause they hurt and cannot control their feelings - and on some level they probably blame themselves for their situation - whether deserved or not.

At least that is what my Dr. Phil book says.