Saturday, December 17, 2005

They Forgot An Element!!

So sometimes when one of your favorite movies is on TV you find yourself flipping the channels and just stopping and watching it. You know it's going to be cut up but it's one of your favorites and you find yourself watching it. Even though the DVD is not more than 6 ft away.

There I was, the greatest movie of all time was on TV and as I watched, waiting for possibly the best scene in the movie, Bruce Willis gets up, has his phone conversation, tells the cat that it'll rot his brain and then he gets into his car.

Wha wha what!!!???!?!??!!1

The cut the whole "gimme da cash" scene. Blasphemy!!!


1 comment:

Ray said...

Wow, that is horrible.

"You have to press the red button right
there to arm it."