Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Tired of whoring myself out

This is a bit of a WoW rant -

So I'm a lvl 60 Tauren Warrior on Dunemaul. I have been for about 3-4 months now. I'm experienced in all the <20 man instances. I have 300 mining (including Dark Iron) and 250+ enchanting. I'm attuned and have most keys (don't have UBRS). I'm a fairly experienced gamer, I know the ins and outs of my class pretty well... the hell can't I get into a freaking high level raiding guild? This is freaking bullshit. So because my class is one of the most popular out there, my end game suffers because I'm being shunned based on my class. I've applied to several guilds and each and everyone one of them is "sorry, we aren't recruiting warriors."

This is what is pissing me off about this game. This is my first MMORPG and I've heard nothing but great things and how it has improved from previous games, but this still blows. I have to try and whore myself out to these pretentious/holier than though kids who think they hold the world balance in their freaking mouse.

I'm very close to just saying screw it all. Unfortunately, this debacle is holding Marnie up as well. She wants to play with me and that means us being in the same guild. She helped start a guild and when the majority of the main players hit 60 there was a decision to merge with this other guild. However, for some reason we still had to submit our applications. Yep, I'm still being given the cold shoulder, they invited Marnie in, but I still haven't gotten a response.

It's bullshit, I don't need this hassle.


Stephanie said...

You could come back to CI :)
Though I'm really the only one who plays anymore and I'm lvl 45. Well, my bf does too, but he's a lvl 30 hunter .. hrm .. sorry

Mike said...

the kids are what drove me out of magic, other online games, and they are what has prevented me from ever sitting down to WOW. What do I need to prove to a bunch of 14-year-old boys with unlimited time and no self-esteem? I just don't see the appeal in joining a persistent population of such people, even if the game itself is arguably "fun."

TheGirard said...

i'm a fan of the to tristan as well, he's more hardcore than I am

Stephanie said...

Mike--> if you have such a poor outlook then don't play.

The game is a lot of fun, and you get both sides of the spectrum, young kids and adults, some of whom really know how to play and some of those who don't and are just plain bitter.

DaPenguin said...

I wish I could get you into my guild Girard, but other than shaman, warrior is the class that is most consistently full for MC/BWL. I can't remember the last time we didn't have 5/6 in a raid with 1 or 2 available to replace someone. We had issues with over-recruiting a few months back, and now the officers are almost overly careful about it.

I noticed you applied to HoR as well. Did they say no as well?

If a spot opens up with Oni, I'll try to drop your name in the mix. Keep trying though. MC can get boring for people very quick, since once a guild has it down it is very monotonous, but BWL is awesome! We are only on the second boss, Vaelestraz, but the instance is really where warriors shine. Lots of very exact aggro control and tank transitions make it a very interesting place. I'm first main-tank for our guild, and I'm having a blast. Don't give up on endgame yet.

Mike said...

Stephanie has it right. Why pay for a negative play experience?

Jason said...

She helped start a guild and when the majority of the main players hit 60 there was a decision to merge with this other guild. However, for some reason we still had to submit our applications.

I'm a relative MMORPG noob, and have next to no experience with WoW, but I'd never even approach a guild/group that wanted an application. This is a game, right? Or are you trying to get a job?

TheGirard said...'s mostly to sniff out the mature players vs the immature players.

Jason said...

I do that by hanging out with people. Give me a mission or two with someone and I can pretty well figure out if I want to keep associating with them.

Of course, this might explain why I have trouble finding guilds...