Sunday, January 01, 2006

No...not the badass Cobra guy

So I'm sitting down to watch Bushwacked. I got the first disk from Netflix and have watched Serenity and the Train Job. So far, I'm still watching. I'm not chain smoking them like I did with DS9 or TNG, but it's intriguing nontheless. So far here is where I'm at -

Star Wars
The Next Generation

Not too bad. The first couple episodes were interesting, not sure how I feel about them giving back the shipment in the Train Job, but I guess some humanity is in store, we have to believe that they will do good in the end even though they are outlaws. I've enjoyed the dialogue, especially the line "How's business?" "None of yours." Well, they just boarded the derelict ship and this looks like it's going to end up as the token ghost episode. That might being the opinion down abit.

And Bahr...that chick is pretty hot. No matter what scene she's in, she is always well groomed and looks very nice.


Mike said...

It'll get there, Girard. By the time you get through "Out of Gas" and "Ariel," if your reaction pattern follows mine (which it does so far), you'll be a believer. I wasn't hooked in after only the first few eps, but after about half the series, I started to realize Firefly was something more than just another TV Sci-Fi throwaway.

TheGirard said...

i has a huge fan of these mythical reavers...but then they went and showed us what he looked like up close. :(

i was disappointed that he wasn't more gory/creative.

BubbaJoe said...

Have you seen the movie yet, or are you watching the show to set up the movie? At any rate, I love Firefly, it rates somewhere between DS9 (1) and TNG (1a) for me.

Joss Whedon is a creative, genius. I haven't seen everything he has done, but everything that I have seen has been an instant personal classic.

TheGirard said...

i have not seen the movie yet and I'm pretty anti-joss whedon, so it's been pretty above average thus far.

CaptMDKirk said...

Ariel is one of my faves, just because we get to see everyone (except Book) doing something that they're good at. And the 'training' that they go through is priceless. But I think -mike is right... once you hit the halfway point, you can begin to perceive the love that the actors and crew had for this show as really something special.

Mike said...

Oh yeah G, before I forget... in the movie Serenity, where Joss has more budget, he is able to make the Reavers look more ferocious and disgusting... chalk this one up to the realities of television budgeting. They really did do a lot with a little, as the various making-of stuff on disc 4 will develop, as well as the movie commentary.