Friday, January 06, 2006

Changin' it up

So I am starting a new job on Monday. I am leaving C1 Media (vSocial), today is my last day. They are a great startup company, unforunately I've had my fill of the entrepreneur type job. Each of these jobs have soo much more potential, however, it takes a lot more effort getting there and unfortunately I was on the remedial end of it. I wish them the best and will continue to support their effort and hope that they succeed, they have a great product.

I start at Avnet on Monday. I will be a Customer Support Rep. This means that I will work with a team to assist the Sales Team so that they can be as prepared as possible for interacting with potential clients. I will also be responsible for current customers and keeping them happy. It's a corporate job, with what I perceive as better job security, although those that like to argue with me will do so in that regard. They have paid time off and benefits. They have "month end" type busy times, but it won't be like the previous two jobs that I worked at where I am expected to work outside of the normal work hours. Don't get me wrong, I am all for putting forth 110%, it's just that now it may be time for some corporate office type situation. On the downside, I now have to dress business casual....ehh whatever.

Also, I reupped my contract with for the Game Design company. I really do enjoy the work that I do there and the people that I work with (especially a certain supervisor and a certain brand manager), they keep it interesting and make sure that all the behind the scenes stuff is taken care of so there is a game for me to design. Sometimes I get discouraged by some of the feedback from our customers. I have let it get me down in the past and have even been given the advice that I should stay away from the publics' eye. I can't do that, it's not that I care more about the game than the person that gave me that advice, I just feel it's my duty to put my thoughts and beliefs out there for the customers to know and hopefully help them understand where I'm coming from.

It's all good...


DaPenguin said...

Congrats man. Hope you have a good experience at the new job.

....they still hiring? :D

Trundling Grunt said...

I think most of the feedback that gets you down comes from a disaffected minority who just want a place to whine. I wouldn't let it get you down - Non illigitamus carborundum.

Also - Te audire no possum. Musa sapientum fixa est in aure. Not sure why that seems relevant, though.

How's your dad doing?

TheGirard said...

he's doing better, he's still on house arrest of sorts. Right now it's a wait and see. They doubt his other will burst soon, but they dont' know for sure.

Mkae said...

Best of luck on the new job, G. And I understand what you mean about stability in your company. It's so much easier to have structure to get you through the rough spots.

Aussie-Askew said...

For the love of god, hurry up and put up a photo of you and "business casual!"