Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I have People Skillz!!!

So this is my 3rd week at my new job. And that guy at the right, yea that's me. I take the orders from the customers and pass them on to the engineers and then get the configs from the engineers and get those back to the customers. And then I enter the orders.

I'm sorry, that's what I would be doing if I wasn't missing software that I need in order to process quotes. But it was still a week of firsts.

- I got my first "hey I'm not going to put you high on the priority list" response from someone on the inside and then when the proverbial stuff hit the fan I got, from the same person "hey, I guess your job is important to you and I'd had to be responsible for you screwing up do to lack of information".

- I have a sticky note on my monitor that says "CLOCK IN"!!!! This is because, despite being no less than a half hour early to work everyday, I get busy and forget to clock in. Then I get the "did you get the memo" speech about clocking in,etc. See clocking in at an office job is much different than say at a fast food or retail job, but whatever

-I got the "hey, I'm not saying you are inept or new at this, but I want to make sure it's done correct so I'm going to do it". :( How am I going to be productive if all I do all day is look at It's not like I did it wrong, I was misinformed about what information was supposed to be provided in the first place and somehow that's my fault.

- I have received they "You are not supposed to be looking at this website" message. These include, (although the euro portal still comes up, back door eh...good idea), just to name a few. This is vastly different than the 404 error "You are not AUTHORIZED to be viewing this" which one receives by trying to surf to a website with questionable content (certain vsocial sites have this, probably do to tags).

However, there have been some great features as well.

- They have a cafeteria, so I'm attempting to eat right. Every morning I have breakfast, usually either bacon/eggs or a yogurt parfait. Lunch today was a grilled cheese on sourdough with a cup of tomato basil bisque. They also have large macadamien nut cookies, but shhh, don't tell marnie, she'll kill me.

- They have cool software, especially one that is a terminal-esque type software where you have to memorize screens in order to get where you are going. Most of these look like word verification things. Examples are CUSSMM or PURPDE.

All in all it's a learning experience. The two full time job gig might be starting to wear on me, but I'm in talks with Marnie about her possibly quitting and being a stay at home wife to take care of stuff that I don't much feel like taking care of when I get home from my day job.


BubbaJoe said...

Just a word of advice, you might want to talk to your wife BEFORE blogging about it... =)


Stephanie said...

Sounds like you're doing well there! Congrats and all. I know that is a fun place to work, since Mike (AJ) used to talk to me about it all the time. I am so jealous! My work SUCKS. Anywho, being new sucks until you get the hang of things.
I have to admit, I do like the cafe thing. The burgers are awesome :)

Jason said...

What do bacon and eggs, grilled cheese, and cookies have to do with "eating right"? :)

Ray said...

The scary part is, being out of that company for 6 years now, I still remember those six letter screen names. :)
