Wednesday, January 25, 2006

You wanna run this ship?

Well...too bad, you can't.

So I watched the movie tonite. I was excited and the movie started out really really freaking awesome. It was fast paced and there was a lot of action. Reavers were kicking the crap out of a town (again, very little screen time) and then...


it dropped off and there was a lot of talking. They shoehorned in the sheppard and bahr's dream girl. The beginning of Miranda was kinda blah until the origins of Reavers came along. They should have showed the Reaver eating the hologram lady, that would have rocked. Then Malc got all holy roller-ish. The Battle of Wolf 359 was pretty good. I heard a TIE fighter pewpewpew.

Then....BAM...he WAS a leaf on a wind.

Mike Bahr...why is she using a Bow and Arrow? Reavers kick ass btw. Malc being able to take a sword is kinda...ehh, but I can buy it, he's the hero. She should have beat the hell out of those alliance mopes. The main alliance guy wussing out is kind of a drag.

Overall, I liked it. I could have had more Reaver scenes, but I guess they didn't want to gore it up too much. I do like it, but George Lucas is still my master.


Mike said...

Inara used a bow and arrow because it was the only weapon she was trained with. The Companions were something like the Geishas of old, they are supposed to be conversant in all the "civilized arts." Music, dance, etc. Having repeated the Whedon canon there, I have to say that I would imagine pulling a trigger would be easier. I'm sure Jayne had some spare guns. And grenades. Etc.

CaptMDKirk said...

Still a movie I will watch anytime, anywhere. I saw the preview screening with Joss and a theatre full of Browncoats last summer after being pushed in the deep end, watching the series in two Saturday sessions (episodes 1-7 one week, 8-15 the next). I really identified with Wash during the series, and his exit was a sucker punch that I never saw coming. It hurt. A lot. It still stings when I see it. The crowd reaction that night pretty much summed it up - laughter abruptly replaced with sorrow. I guess River can play with the dinosaurs now... curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal Joss!

Reavers do kick ass. Their amount of scenes was just enough to get my 'eww' factor going, just enough left to the imagination. Remember what Zoe said in the pilot: "They'll rape us to death, eat our organs, and sew our skin to their clothes. And if we're very lucky, they'll do it in that order." paraphrasing there, close enough. :P

One side note: apparently, Serenity can be seen in a recent Battlestar ep... not sure which one, but it was thrown in because Zoic Pictures did the visuals for both Firefly and BG.

TheGirard said...

Other things I was upset that weren't carried over from the series to the movie -

- The bounty hunter says "he's no sheppard"

- no blue gloved guys. IMO those would have been better than the sword weilding wussy

Stephanie said...

Am I missing something? What movie was this?

TheGirard said...


Mike said...

They DID tell the Shepherd's story in the movie. It was just done in a much subtler way.

SPOILER WARNING: The Shepherd used to be an Operative. That's why Early didn't think he was a Shepherd. Early must have met him when he was an Op. WAY back in the Pilot, Shepherd mentions having "gone out of the verse for a spell" and coming out to see life anew. Unlike the movie Operative, Book decided not to kill himself when his purpose was over.

In fact, post-movie, there are only a few hanging plot threads in the entire series. Blue Men Group, Nishka, Mal & Inara (and you might be inclined to think Joss is going to let that one end ambiguously), and Yolanda/Saffron.

Stephanie said...

Ok, so why can't these people have normal names? or are they like codenames?

Mike said...

Most of the names aren't that unusual. Malcolm Reynolds, Zoe Washburne, Kaylee Frye, Simon Tam, etc. But some people are called by what they do. Derrial Book is called "the Shepherd" because he's a preacher. The Operative is called that because he has neither name nor rank in his discipline as a government assassin. The Blue Men Group hasn't been named in the show, so we have to just give them a nickname until we find out. You get the idea.