Monday, May 09, 2005

Serenity vs. Star Wars

Maybe I'm the only that has this brewing, but it seems to be festering. A lot of people are very anti-SW and yet they are preaching Serenity. Some sort of cult following. I guess I'm bitter because Serenity probably wouldnt' be around if SW wasn't around. To me, Serenity looks like just another random Sci-fi movie like Andromeda, Seaquest DSV, Stargate, etc.


Brad said...

People are not anti-SW because of what it brought to sci-fi. No one will deny that. People are against SW for what it means now. These Ep I-III films have gutted a great franchise.

thisismarcus said...

I have high hopes for SW3 but even higher ones for Serenity. You should check out Firefly... definitely not just another lousy Stargate. Mal has the Han Solo vibe down and throw in a bit of John Wayne.