Sunday, May 15, 2005


Why can't I please all the people all the time?
Why aren't the mets leading the NL East?
Why can't I have my cake and eat it too?
Why is Arizona so perfect?
Why can't life be easy?
Why can't everyone get along?
Why can you love someone, but not necessarily like them?
Why don't people get their just desserts?
Why don't more people like the 5th Element?
Why am I so depressed?
Why does JJ always lose?
Why is Marnie so in to World of Warcraft?
Why do people (especially females) like drama so much?
Why do some people feel like they need to own "things" in order to feel good about themselves?
Why does everything have to be sooo difficult?
Why can't things work out?
Why can't we go back to the way things were in 2002...please, I give my..uhh..some random body part if we could. Things were easier then.



erika said...

"Why don't people get their just desserts?"

i read it "Why don't people just get their desserts?" do you think that means i haven't had enough chocolate lately?

seriously, this should be your post you keep updating.

Brad said...

mmmmm, woowoo

TheGirard said...

That or you two need some chocolate.

And they are my Mets!!!!!

erika said...

good minds... or crazy minds. either one.

thisismarcus said...

Why is gas so expensive?
Here? It's really not.

Why do people feel safer in SUVs?
Because they're protected from their own lousy driving.

Why don't more people like the 5th Element?
It's a French film.

Why can't I be a real guy and drink beer?
Because it puts hairs on your chest and you don't want that!

Why do some people feel like they need to own "things" in order to feel good about themselves?
We are hunter-gatherers by nature. Plus we were raised in the era of Thatcher and Reagan.

GiromiDe said...

Chicago would like to take some of that rain from you. Our area is four inches under our average by this time of year. I've been running a debate in my head about watering the lawn for the last three weeks.

Brad said...

There is no bigger of a man than John Wayne and he drank Jack more than he drank beer.

thisismarcus said...

I'm so confused finding a "new" article today that I've already commented on...

Are you gonna keep reposting this til you get the answers you need? Or have the last 5 days just been a dream? (Please say not.)

Shocho said...

I like The Fifth Element.