Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Drumroll please!

So this is my top 10 movies. "MY" top 10 movies. Not the top 10 movies of all time or IMDB's top 10 movies. These are movies that I will watch over and over in the same sitting and never get tired of them. If you came up to me and asked me to watch one of these movies, I would almost 100% of the time say "YES"! A lot of these movies will have some things in common (as you might have seen already with my list).

10 Top Gun (1986, Tom Cruise) - "I feel the need....the need for speed!" This is probably the tops on my list to watch immediately after installing a surround sound system. This movie is chocked full of action and great quotable lines. The characters are developed and the casting is good. Kelly McGillis is hot.

9 Usual Suspects (1995, Kevin Spacey) - "In English, please?" This movie has a great story and a twist ending. I will not ruin it here for those that haven't seen it yet. I loved the entire cast of this movie and it was a real joy to watch. You have to watch this a minimum of 3 times, I highly suggest the first two times be back to back.

8 Blazing Saddles (1974, Mel Brooks) - "Excuse me while I whip this out." I have my dad to thank for getting me to watch this film. There were several times during this movie that I thought I was going to die from laughter. There are sooo many un-politically correct jokes in this movie, it's freaking hilarious.

7 Hudson Hawk (1991, Bruce Willis) - "Long ago, the Duke of Milan commissioned a little known artist to erect a Mammoth statue of a horse. The time was 1481. The artist was Leonardo da Vinci. The guy on the donkey's just a guy on a donkey." I get so much crap for having this movie in my top 10. I absolutely love this movie. They keep track of time by singing songs, how freaking cool is that. So many good lines. "bunny...ball ball."

6 Varsity Blues (1999, Ron Lester) - "You got to be the dumbest smart kid I know." Growing up in Montana, I can relate to most of this stuff from high school. This is a feel good story and moves me emotionally. The montages are excellent as well, very stereotypical.

5 Transformers: The Movie (1986, Peter Cullen) - "They're in our way!" "Wrong, they're our way in!!" I remember watching this movie as a kid and it was bad back then because it had curse words in it. I absolutely love this soundtrack and play it often on my iPod. Stan Bush is the man.

4 Rounders (1998, Matt Damon) - "It hurts doesn't it? Your hopes dashed, your dreams down the toilet. And your fate is sitting right besides you." There was a point in my life when I was watching this movie at least 4 times a week. Generally accepted as THE poker movie. Lots of drama and great lines. I think the acting was excellent and a great story.

3 Ocean's Eleven (2001, George Clooney) - "Off the top of my head, I'd say you're looking at a Boeski, a Jim Brown, a Miss Daisy, two Jethros and a Leon Spinks, not to mention the biggest Ella Fitzgerald ever! " A great heist flick. Plenty of action and good lines. I think the casting was spot on and this movie made me think that the Bellagio could really be robbed.

2 My Blue Heaven (2001, Steve Martin) - "What is the difference between a pregnant woman and a lightbulb?" I'm surprised I don't have more Steve Martin movies on my top 100. I love this movie..a lot. It has a ton of quotable lines and the acting is great. The jokes are funny and the premise is solid. oh...you can unscrew a lightbulb.

......and the #1 movie on my top 100 list is....

1 The Fifth Element (1997, Bruce Willis) - "Give me the cash!" In my honest opinion, this is probably the best movie ever made. "Yeah, multipass, she knows it's a multipass. Leeloo Dallas. This is my wife." This movie has everything that I look for in a great movie, one-liners, action, comedy, good acting, funny actors, good visuals. "What was that honey? It was BAD! It had no fire, no energy, no nothing! So tomorrow from 5 to 7 will you PLEASE act like you have more than a two word vocabulary. It must be green." Did I mention that this movie is infinitely quotable?

Well there you have it, my top 100 movies. The list is pinned to the inside of my cubicle wall (right next to Ackbar warning me about the situation) and every now and then someone will stop by and ask what it is and I tell them and we have a conversation about the list. It's good clean fun, you should try making a list.

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