Friday, October 06, 2006

Movies 61-70

70 Urban Cowboy (1980, John Travolta) - This is a Marnie and I movie. We both enjoy this movie and I love watching it with her.

69 Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure (1989, Keanu Reeves) - "69 dudes!"

68 Rocky (1976, Sylvester Stallone) - The only Rocky movie to make my list. I liked this one over the other ones the most. "Adrian!"

67 Beverly Hills Cop (1984, Eddie Murphy) - I really like this whole trilogy. Eddie Murphy is a funny mofo and there was a whole lot of good acting in this flick.

66 Back to the Future II (1989, Michael J. Fox) - This is the only BTF on my list. I liked this one better than the other 2 because I like futuristicy type movies. Plus, how could you not understand the alternate 1985.

65 Men in Black (1997, Will Smith) - Good clean fun. Cool gadgets, good one-liners, good soundtrack. This movie is just fun.

64 Se7en (1995, Brad Pitt) - "Tell me what's in the box!!!"

63 Mallrats (1995, Kevin Smith) - "What, like in the back seat of a Volkswagon?"

62 Fellowship of the Ring (2001, elijah wood) - The only lord of the rings movie on my list. I enjoyed this one more than the other 2. I guess I'm just not as big of a Tolken fan as some.

61 Independence Day (1996, Bill Pullman) - This movie should probably be higher. I think this is one of two movies that I have cried at. The speech is just that moving. The rest of the movie is well done as well. Plenty of one-liners, storylines that suck you in, futuristicy cool stuff. It has it all.


TMac said...

I love the list so far. Your Mallrats quote is great.

webba said...

The speech is *moving*? It makes me cringe every time I hear it.

TheGirard said...

thanks TMac

Webba - that's cause your Canadian and you don't know what it means to be a patriot.

Bojo - the movies are sooooo long.

webba said...

That speech isn't patriotic, it's retarded. "THIS IS OUR INDEPENDANCE DAY" -- webba's movie rule #4: if the movie itself is quoted in dialog, it's not good.